eurolit is a research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), located at the University of Siegen (Germany). The project started in January 2022 and is funded for the period until December 2024. Please contact us if you have questions regarding the project or if you are interested in collaborating with us.
- Contact: euro-lit[at]soziologie.uni-siegen[dot]de
Christian Lahusen is a full professor at the University of Siegen. His chair bundles research on Comparative Cultural Sociology and the Political Sociology of Europe. He is an experienced coordinator of cross-national European research projects, including projects funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program (EnTrust, EURYKA, and TransSOL). His current research focuses on processes of horizontal Europeanization and the cultural integration of Europe.
- Contact: lahusen[at]soziologie.uni-siegen[dot]de
- Website: [link]
Lía Durán Mogollón is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Siegen. She has a background in Sociology, Media, and Cultural Studies. She coordinated the German work packages of the cross-European research project EURYKA. Her areas of research include cultural sociology, political sociology, and European and Latin American studies.
- Contact: duran-mogollon[at]soziologie.uni-siegen[dot]de
- Website: [link]
Matthias Kuppler is a PhD researcher at the University of Siegen with a background in quantitative social sciences. His research combines cultural sociology, political sociology, and social network analysis.
- Contact: matthias.kuppler[at]uni-siegen[dot]de
- Website: [link]
Anastasiia Tropnikova is a research assistant at the University of Siegen, where she currently completes an M.A. in Political Science. Her academic interests lie in political sociology, around the topics of media, digital authoritarianism, and political participation in hybrid regimes.
- Contact: anastasiia.tropnikova[at]student.uni-siegen[dot]de