University of Siegen

Popular Music and Gender Studies

Popular music research has had a permanent role in University of Siegen, since 2013 – with a professorship position currently held by Prof. Florian Heesch. Research and teaching in popular music is conducted within the field of musicology with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary perspectives and collaborations. Methodological and theoretical starting points include music history, gender studies and cultural studies. Popular music studies at Siegen aims at innovative contributions to research and teaching on current and historical phenomena with transdisciplinary and social relevance.

The professorship position for Popular Music and Gender Studies is part of the Research Center “Popular Cultures”, which aims to describe and analyze the central phenomena, techniques and functions of contemporary-cultures and their self-positioning which emerged since the 1960s.

The university is in close proximity to several other research institutions with a focus on popular music studies, namely the University of Paderborn and the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne.