Helpful Contacts & Services


Emergency: You can call an ambulance and/or the fire department 24/7 for free. You reach them by calling 112.

Emergency on campus: You can call the emergency responders on campus by 0271 740 2111. 

Insurance questions: You can ask your personal health insurance everything you need to know about insurances. Do not hesitate to contact them.

Malteser emergency consultation: If you do not have insurance, you can make use of the Malteser emergency consultation (Häutebacherweg). This offer is intended to help people without health insurance coverage in case of illness and injuries quickly and unbureaucratically, while preserving anonymity. A volunteer team of doctors, nurses, physician assistants and administrative assistants are available to help. Registration is neither necessary nor possible.

STD’s: The Health Department (Gesundheitsamt) offers free and anonymous appointments to learn more about sexually transmitted diseases. There you can get tested on STDs free of charge. You can book your appointment here.

Psychological consultation

Psychological Counseling at the University of Siegen: In standard situations that are not too urgent, contact the free psychological counseling service of the University of Siegen, however, they usually only provide up to 2 appointments.

The Social Psychiatric Service: is a doctor-led social service provided by the health and veterinary office within Siegen-Wittgenstein. It is available for people with a mental illness or in a psychosocial crisis situation as well as their relatives and social environment. The consultation is free and confidential.

Urgent help: In case of an acute emergency, you can dial 112 and/or visit the Psychological Institute Outpatient Clinic next to the Kreisklinikum in Weidenau.

Family matters

Funding, childcare, counseling, etc.: The family service office considers itself a contact, counseling and mediation center. For individual advice, you can contact the staff of the family service office. This offer is free of charge and confidential.

Support/advice for families: The EFL (Ehe- und Familien- und Lebensberatungsstelle) offers support and counseling on issues related to partnership, family, life, parenting, sexuality, and pregnancy & pregnancy conflict.

Counseling for women: The association Frauen helfen Frauen e.V.are only women which support women.  Depending on your concerns, they will offer you one or more counseling sessions. It is a professionally experienced, competent team of women with different training in the social field. These include general life counseling, violence against women and also eating disorders. They are bound by the duty of confidentiality. The consultation is free of charge for you and anonymous on request.

Pregnancy: The Health Department (Gesundheitsamt) also offers free and anonymous appointments if you need consultaion regarding a pregnancy. Whether you want to get pregnant, are pregnant intentionally or unintentionally, or wish to end the pregnancy, you will receive counseling in any case. You can book your appontment here.

You can also get in contact with donum vitae Siegen. They advise you on issues related to pregnancy and pregnancy conflict.


Threat: If you feel threatened you can always call the police via 110 for free.

Threat on campus: If  you feel thraetened at the university, you can either call the police and/or the Threat Management Unit for assistance at any time by dialing 0271 740 2600.

Persistent/repetitive threat or similar: In this case, you can contact the victim protection unit of the police (Ms. Otto). The best way to make contact is via the threat management department (-2600).