Story Retold! Why More Sophisticated Methods for the REKOGNITION of Storytelling’s Impact are Needed

Stephanie Weiss, University of Siegen


Owing to advancing digitalization, consumers have become more fastidious about the story ventures create about themselves. The increased demand regarding the aesthetical representation of storytelling has prompted many entrepreneurs to trust upon more sophisticated forms, such as images and videos, to create an identity with which they aim to appeal to consumers. „Story Retold! Why More Sophisticated Methods for the REKOGNITION of Storytelling’s Impact are Needed“ weiterlesen

Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Market Failures as its External Drivers

Philipp Köhn, University of Siegen, Chair of Entrepreneurship & Family Business


In times of omnipresent discussions on humans caused climate change, each individual is encouraged to behave and act in an environmental-friendly way to keep our planet viable. This is especially valid for the business context, where profit and growth are usually having top priority and social and ecological consequences of economizing are often neglected. „Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Market Failures as its External Drivers“ weiterlesen

Part 1: Entrepreneurship Measurement in Recent Studies: What can we learn?

Natalia Tsatsenko, University of Siegen


Over the last decades, the contribution of entrepreneurship to economic growth is broadly recognized. Due to the fact that institutions may shape conditions for the development of entrepreneurship or destroy it, I (institution) is included as a third variable in the relationship between E (entrepreneurship) and EG (economic growth). This discussion consists of two blog entries prepared by Natalia Tsatsenko and Ganira Ibrahimova. „Part 1: Entrepreneurship Measurement in Recent Studies: What can we learn?“ weiterlesen

A Systematization of Unintended Political Actions within the Entrepreneurial Climate

Nicolas Mues, University of Siegen


Recent election results and debates in Germany increasingly create uncertainties in society, but also among entrepreneurs. The perceived instability of the political systems and the lengthy coalition negotiations make it difficult for entrepreneurs to foresee the framework conditions for their future actions. „A Systematization of Unintended Political Actions within the Entrepreneurial Climate“ weiterlesen

What is what? – Cleaning up the digitalization mess (Part 1)

Kevin Krause, University of Siegen, Research assistant at the chair of service development in SMEs and crafts



Digitalization is currently a ubiquitous topic of discussion. It is entering our everyday life in the form of technologies that are indispensable. We also encounter it daily at the workplace. In the jungle of digital terminology, everyone has once or twice certainly lost their way. And this trend is not expected to come to an end; on the contrary, modern entrepreneurship continues to rely more and more on the integration of digital technologies and concepts. „What is what? – Cleaning up the digitalization mess (Part 1)“ weiterlesen

Part 2: How Institutions affect our economic behavior?

Ganira Ibrahimova, University of Siegen


Institutional economics, and in particular the topic of „institutions – entrepreneurship – economic growth“ is very trendy these days. The basic idea behind it is that institutions can shape the conditions for entrepreneurship development or destroy it, and therefore I (institution) is included as a third variable in the relationship between E (entrepreneurship) and EG (economic growth). The purpose of this blog entry is to show how institutions and the behavior of economic agents are related. It provides a basic understanding of the very definition of institutions, their classification (formal and informal institutions), and then demonstrates the impact of institutions on economic behavior in the context of entrepreneurship through various case study analyses. „Part 2: How Institutions affect our economic behavior?“ weiterlesen

Reincorporating Entrepreneurial Action into a Theory of Institutional Change

Mark McAdam, University of Siegen



Institutions matter. The significance of how “formal and informal rules of the game” impact social and political phenomena has long been recognized, and questions surrounding how institutions break down, change, adapt, and are renewed are of particular interest. One important approach within this field is to consider that it is not merely material interests which are important in institutional questions, but that ideas play an important role in affecting institutions as well.  „Reincorporating Entrepreneurial Action into a Theory of Institutional Change“ weiterlesen

“What differs them from me?” – A (positive) psychology perspective on drivers of sustainable entrepreneurship

Ann-Christin Grözinger, University of Siegen, Research assistant at the chair for Entrepreneurship and Family Business



I think a lot about the environment and what I can contribute to try preserving our natural ecosystem. That’s why I try to adapt to a more environmentally and sustainable lifestyle. I guess a lot of you do the same. We all try to make more conscious choices and search for sustainable alternatives. In this way we also support the people who stand behind those sustainable alternatives, the so-called sustainable entrepreneurs. „“What differs them from me?” – A (positive) psychology perspective on drivers of sustainable entrepreneurship“ weiterlesen

Coming soon

A blog on the subject of Modern Entrepreneurship will soon be published here. The articles are written by PhD students of the University of Siegen. They are the result of a PhD course on Modern Entrepreneurship. Have fun reading!