Martina A. Doolan

Dr. Martina Doolan is a Principal Lecturer in Computer Science, a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, a Senior Blended Learning Fellow, holds an institutional Teaching Fellow and a United Kingdom National Teaching Fellow in recognition for her expertise in Learning and Teaching across the  UK and for her work in innovations in technology and learning. Her current research in Human-Computer Interaction includes: designing for usability and sociability, social interaction, and technology-mediated communication and collaboration. Pedagogic research includes: embracing a social constructivist approach to learning and teaching, Martina actively researches collaborative learning environments i.e. Technology supported/enhanced community, collaborative and social learning to understand the impact on the learner experience and the role of the educator and inform pedagogy. Martina leads and works on funded projects i.e. a £4.5 million five year project funded by the Higher Education Funding Council in England (HEFCE), £200,000 two years Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) project. Martina’s national and international presence has been gained as a journal and book editor, organizing and chairing conferences, running symposia, and workshops. Martina has published 150+ conference papers, 50+ posters and 100+ other publications i.e. conference abstracts, journal articles, and book chapters. In addition to her expertise as a Computer Scientist, Martina is the School Athena SWAN Chair and Champion and plays a key role in influencing and shaping generations of women as learners, educators, workers, role models, and leaders in technology. She diligently contributes to bridging the gender gap and to the advancement of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEMM) subjects; demonstrated through her work with the UK’s Equality and Diversity Unit, the Leadership Foundation, the British Computer Society (BCS) and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) amongst services.