Prof. Dr. Roman Obermaisser is a full professor at the Division for Embedded Systems of the University of Siegen. He has studied computer sciences at Vienna University of Technology and received a Master’s degree in 2001. In February 2004, Roman Obermaisser has finished his doctoral studies in Computer Science with Prof. Hermann Kopetz at Vienna University of Technology as a research advisor. In July 2009, Roman Obermaisser has received the habilitation (“Venia docendi”) certificate for Technical Computer Science. His research work focuses on system architectures for distributed embedded real-time systems. He wrote a book on an integrated time-triggered architecture published by Springer-Verlag, USA. He is the author of several journal papers and conference publications. He has also participated in numerous EU research projects (e.g., SAFE POWER, universal, DECOS, NextTTA) and was the coordinator of the European research projects DREAMS, GENESYS and ACROSS.