MS@CPS open info day

On Wednesday, 26.08.2020, the MS@CPS project partners held an online open info day about the master program. The event was moderated by Palestine Technical College – Deir El-Balah with the presence of all partners. Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan welcomed all keynote speakers and attendees. The NEO Director, Dr. Nedal Jayousi, the guest speaker, launched the event and explained that the NEO office supports the Palestinian partners of CBHE projects in Palestine and he praised the excellent share they won this year. Dr. Jayousi encouraged the project’s partners to sustain their work on the project during COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to work on getting accreditation as it lies within the priorities of the Palestinian Higher Education Strategic Plan. He encouraged the consortium to proceed with equipment purchase. The event included three consecutive sessions: the first session is “CPS in Academia” and it started with a talk given by Prof. Dr. Roman Obermaisser about Dependable Embedded Real-Time Systems based on Time-Triggered Control. The second keynote speaker Prof. Raimund Kirner talked about Using SIL Arithmetic to Design Safe and Secure Cyber-physical Systems. The second session “CPS in Industry”, started by Dr. Iyad AbuHadrous about turning an IoT idea into a proof of concept. Dr. Marwan Radi talked about the Industrial application of robotics and automation. In the last session, all consortium partners presented details about the master’s program at partner universities including a timeline of admission, admission criteria, features for study, teaching staff, study plan, and available scholarship and student support chances. During the event, the attendees raised a set of questions that were answered by the presenters.

MS@CPS Open Info Day

Join us on Zoom on 26th of August at 9:00 AM CET (10:00 AM Palestine and 8:00 AM Tunisia Time)…

Keynote Speaker I: Prof. Dr. Roman Obermaisser
Title: Dependable Embedded Real-Time Systems based on Time-Triggered Control

Abstract: Many safety-critical application subsystems demand hard real-time requirements, where the achievement of stability and safety depends on the completion of activities (e.g., reading of sensor values, performing computations, message transmission) in the defined time. In such hard real-time systems, missed deadlines represent system failures with the potential of consequences as serious as in the case of providing incorrect results. The static resource allocation in time-triggered systems offers significant benefits for the safety arguments of dependable systems. However, adaptation is a key factor for energy efficiency and fault recovery in Cyber-Physical System (CPS). This presentation describes research in the area of adaptive time-triggered systems for CPS in order to support adaptation using multi-schedule graphs while preserving the key properties of time-triggered systems including implicit synchronization, temporal predictability, and avoidance of resource conflicts. In addition, we highlight upcoming challenges such as integration with knowledge-based systems and artificial intelligence. The presentation also discusses implications for required competencies and teaching in the area of CPS.

Keynote Speaker II: Prof. Raimund Kirner
Title: Using SIL Arithmetic to Design Safe and Secure Cyber-physical Systems

Abstract: In a safety-critical cyber-physical system each service has a specific level of safety criticality. Safety standards use classifications like Safety Integrity Levels (SIL), to describe the design requirements for the individual services of a system. Techniques like redundancy can be used to achieve higher overall dependability than the used individual components provide. Using the notion of SIL, this can be called SIL arithmetic. Using the concept of SIL arithmetic we point out how different safety standards provide hints for their support of using SIL arithmetic. We highlight the principal benefits of SIL arithmetic and provide simple examples. But the use of SIL arithmetic in a concrete system design can also have its pitfalls. We specifically discuss these issues in the context of scheduling techniques for mixed-criticality systems, where resource shortages are to be handled by the task scheduler.